TenEighty Magazine Issue 05 (August 2018)
£5.00 / On Sale
TenEighty presents our fifth annual print magazine featuring an exclusive interview with cover star Elle Mills.
The A4 glossy 76-page magazine includes interviews with Mark Ferris, Jack Dean, Jana Hisham, Riyadh Khalaf, Scola Dondo and Josh Pieters.
It also features articles such as The Creator/Viewer Divide, 10 out of 10: A Decade of Summer in the City, Ready Player None: Is YouTube Losing its Gaming Community?, and When Does Creator Merch Become Exploitative?, as well as the best of the Weekly Round-Up, our favourite Five of the Best columns and News Bites, TenEighty’s 2018 Shortlist, and much more.
A very limited run is available to purchase online now for those who cannot purchase from the YouTube Creator Store in London, UK or Summer in the City 2017.
Post and packaging is priced at standard delivery, however, signed delivery is available on request.